5 Tips On How To Write An Impactful LinkedIn Headline
LinkedIn has 675 million professional profiles that unlocks countless opportunities for both job seekers and recruiters to network through a sophisticated platform. It’s time to take advantage of the same by polishing your LinkedIn profile to showcase your skills, accomplishments in the best way possible to attract the attention you deserve. The aim is to treat it like your resume and revamp it professionally. To begin with, edit your profile “Headline” as it’s one of the first things a recruiter notices when visiting your LinkedIn profile. Here are a few tips to have an impactful LinkedIn Profile ‘Headline’ to get you noticed:
1.Customize It According To Your Audience
First things first, knowing and understanding your audience is very crucial when it comes to writing the “Right” headline. Use your industry-based keywords such as “Digital Marketer” or “Social Media Manager” to describe your designation in the headline as recruiters often use filters to find a potential candidate through a specific title or designation. Use a title that your recruiters can easily recognize to find you as it will get easier for them to find notice amongst this pool of millions of candidates.
2.Avoid Unfamiliar Jargon or Big Words
Avoid using jargon or big words that can confuse recruiters as they are chances of them not being familiar with it. Despite having an impressive LinkedIn headline, it will fail to get the recruiter’s attention if they don’t understand the message you’re trying to convey through the headline.
3. Be Specific By Including Your USP
After finalizing on the keyword, let’s work on making the headline more impactful by adding your value proposition. For example, if your a Digital Marketer then the headline could be – Eg. ‘Designation’ – Helping brands build an unmatched online presence.” If you’re still unsure about what to add as your USP, check out other company or individual profiles’ relevant to your field to get on-point inspiration.
4. Keep The Bigger Picture In Mind
Talking about the USP, as we mentioned above the headline should not just focus on the designation but also about what you can bring to the table. Elaborate a phrase on how your contribution can help in the bigger picture to encourage your recruiter about how interesting it would be to have you in their team. Recruiters in Delhi, Mumbai or other metropolitan cities are fully aware of what they are looking for, hence ensure your headline stands out to get noticed.
5.Refrain From Bragging
While writing your USP, keep in mind that you avoid adjectives such as “best, expert, hard-working, dedicated or smart” as they might come across as boastful, recruiters will only end up thinking of you as an arrogant individual. Hence, the headline should be as genuine as possible, let your work summary and other sections of the profile do the talking.
Recruiters from HR in MSME in India and HR consultant firms are always on the lookout for top talent on LinkedIn, which makes it all the more important for job seekers to keep their profiles polished from time to time. Keep updating your headline, replace it if you find a more creative one as the trends keep changing.